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Carrying Guilt, Finding Grace: A Course for Grieving Siblings

  • 41 Steps


That gnawing feeling in your gut when you laugh at a joke. The flood of "what-ifs" that keep you up at night. The heavy shame when you realize you can't perfectly remember the sound of their voice. This course gently explores the complex emotions that haunt surviving siblings: Why that endless loop of "I should have" and "if only" feels impossible to escape How to carry memories of both the beautiful and difficult moments of your relationship Ways to slowly build self-compassion when shame feels overwhelming Permission to be honest about the complicated reality of sibling relationships This isn't about "letting go" of guilt or forcing yourself to focus only on good memories. Instead, it's about understanding why these feelings are such a natural part of sibling grief and finding ways to carry them more gently. Created for siblings who: Feel haunted by things left unsaid or undone, struggle with enjoying life without their sibling, or want to honor their brother or sister's memory while being honest about the complexity of their relationship. Let's explore how to hold both the weight of guilt and the continuing love of a sibling after this major loss.

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