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Image by Bibiann Avelar

It's time for you to have a space where you feel supported and cared for as you grieve the death of your sibling. 

Don't miss your opportunity to get paired with another sibling griever!

Last Day to Sign up is May 24th

Go from feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and desperate for connection of any type of validation that you are not crazy in your experience with grief to....

Comforted by the knowledge that you are not alone in grieving a sibling; supported in expressing your unique grief, and a new sense of community and direction as you learn how to live with loss.  

Friends in Nature

Have you...

craved resources about others who have experienced this loss, where they share what they have felt and how they have survived this?


felt isolated in this loss, leaving you wonder if your grief for your sibling even matters?

searched in vain for support groups that make space for the unique pain of sibling loss?

No matter how recent or long ago your loss occurred, this community was made with you in mind. 

Join The Sibling Grief Community

where you will be given resources that are specific to how you lost your sibling, can ask anonymous questions about difficult subjects, and learn how to built a safe and gentle life as you continue to grieve this massive loss. 


Features of Our Community

Resource Library

You will have a comprehensive library of resources at your fingertips, categorized by type of loss (such as suicide, addiction, illness, etc.), as well as other challenges that sibling grievers commonly face. This will make it easier for you to find the support you need, exactly when you need it.

Weekly Q&A Posts

Get answers to all your questions about losing friendships, difficult family dynamics and so much more in our weekly Q&A posts.  All questions will be archived separately by subject for easy reference, allowing you to revisit past discussions and find solace in shared experiences.

My Insights

Each week I will send an email sharing what's been helping me navigate sibling grief lately and why. Think of it as a little dose of support and understanding delivered straight to your inbox.

A Buddy System

You'll now have the option to be paired with another sibling griever up to twice a year! This initiative is designed to facilitate meaningful connections and foster lasting relationships between individuals navigating sibling loss.


*this option is only for those with a 6 month membership

Share Your Grief

Join our community's Sibling Grief Remembrance feature, where twice a month a sibling griever will have the opportunity to share about their sibling both in our community and via stories on my Instagram account.


Share your memories, tributes, and love in a supportive environment, connect with others who understand your journey,  Together, let's create a space of remembrance, healing, and solidarity for sibling grievers everywhere

*this option is only for those with a 6 month membership

Your loss matters here. 

No matter the type of death your sibling had, how complicated your relationship with them, or how long ago your sibling died your grief will always, always, matter here. 

Here's what people don't understand

Sibling Loss is one of the most isolating losses you can experience -


We are told by our community to be strong for our parents.


Our friends don't understand why we have become a completely different person. Most of them have not yet experienced a significant loss. 

We are rarely spoken of in grief literature, and even more rarely studied.

This leaves us feeling like there is no room for our grief, or for us for that matter. 

But by connecting with other sibling grievers we can all come to see that we are far less alone in our feelings that we believe.  

Words From Past Sibling Group Participants ...

Gretchen leads a compassionate and empathetic space for sibling grievers to feel understood and not alone... I felt a bizarre sense of relief seeing others who have experienced the tragedy of losing their siblings, and it helped me tremendously.
A unique grief group experience that helped me recognize my feelings and connect with others going through similar circumstances. I loved ... having a safe space to talk about my sibling and hear others perspectives too.
I’m so glad I found this group, unlike therapy, I looked forward to the meetings and seeing that I’m not alone in my grief of losing a sibling and how it’s impacted every aspect of my life. Hearing that I’m not alone in this has been very validating.
Image by Henry & Co.

 Connect with other sibling grievers and gain new tools to cope with this unique loss;
all for less than the price of one therapy session a year!

  • Monthly Community Membership

    Every month
     7 day free trial
    • Immediate access to all community features
    • Cancel at any time
  • 6 Month Community Membership

    Every 6 months
    SAVE OVER 10%
     7 day free trial
    • Immediate access to all community features
    • 10% Off my annual sibling grief group, and any sibling event
    • cancel at any time
    • Sibling Share Feature
    • Be Paired With Another Griever
  • Best Value

    6 Month Membership- Paid Monthly

    Every month
    SAVE OVER 10%!
    Valid for 6 months+ 7 day free trial
    • Immediate access to all community features
    • 10% off my annual sibling grief groups and events
    • Sibling Share Feature
    • Be Paired With Another Griever
    • Cancel anytime (after 6 month membership ends)
I can't recommend working with Gretchen enough! She is so insightful and kind. She provided endless resources and perfectly structured the course to examine our grief in so many different ways. I have been on this grief journey for 4 years now and have tried so many different support groups and things like this, even still, Gretchen provided something I haven't found anywhere else. If you ever get the opportunity to work with her, jump on it! You won't regret it!
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